The official start of winter is just weeks away, and for areas such as Maryland and Virginia in the mid-Atlantic region, it usually means that there won’t be much opportunity for gardening. One thing you can do, though, is to not neglect your garden by following these tips!
Inspect gardening structures – the winter months are a great time to repair or replace gates, fences, sheds, and other gardening and lawn structures.
Clean garden supplies – cleaning your tools on a regular basis will remove dust and dirt. Seed trays and pots can also be disinfected with a mild detergent.
Keep those weeds under control – once the weather starts to warm up, weeds begin appear again. Stay ahead by pulling up any sprouts as they first appear.
Bundle up young shrubs and trees – wrap burlap around young shrubs and tender saplings.
Use mulch liberally – mulch, when applied with thickness, offers protection for wildlife living beneath the soil and keeps the soil moist and warm.
Plant cold season vegetables – broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are great winter season produce options.
Cover root vegetables – in addition to cold season vegetables, root vegetables are another great option for cold weather gardens. Straw and leaves can be used to protect turnips, radishes, carrots, and beets.
Protect winter flowers with fabric – avoid using plastic containers and any other supplies that may hold large amounts of moisture around your plants.
Start a compost bin – With ample leaves and grass clippings from the fall, winter is an ideal season to begin a compost bin.
Water regularly – properly watering during the winter months prevents plants from losing excessive moisture through their leaves.