Small Yard Landscaping Tips

small yard landscaping in the front yard of a stone residential home

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably daydreamed at least once about having a perfect garden—a backyard retreat where you can surround yourself with plant life and unwind. Honestly, who wouldn’t want that? There’s plenty of research suggesting that time spent in nature is great for our mental health and cognition. But unfortunately, a robust garden requires a large yard, and many people simply don’t have the real estate to support the oasis they’ve always wanted. But what if we told you there’s a lot of potential in a small space, as well? Here are five small yard landscaping tips that will transform even the tiniest backyard into a natural haven.

Choose the Right Plants

Limited space means you have to choose your plants carefully. It’s about more than just jamming all your favorite plants into the area, too. You have to be mindful to choose appropriate plants and avoid a cluttered, claustrophobic mood (this is supposed to be a place to unwind, after all). Compact or dwarf plant varieties are good choices that won’t overwhelm the space. You might also consider plants that grow up rather than out—climbing roses, clematis, or ivy. If you want ground cover, creeping thyme or sedum can provide the lush greenery you’re looking for without taking up all the space.

Of course, those aren’t the only options. The list of potential plants you could include with these small yard ideas is pretty robust. Give some of these plants a shot:

No matter which landscaping tips you put into action, the right plants for the situation are a must!

Create a Focal Point

When you add a spot or two that draw attention just by existing, you can really elevate your garden—no matter how small it is. It helps the space feel like it was more intentionally designed rather than an afterthought. But what should this focal point be?

  • Bird bath
  • Pruned ornamental tree
  • A small fountain
  • A decorative sculpture or statue

Whatever you choose to be your focal point, it should add a bit of structure to the whole space. A sense of order is established through it, making the yard feel more cohesive and expansive by guiding the eye around the area. 

Vertical Gardening and Containers

This is one of our favorite small yard ideas. When there isn’t much surface area, you could always think a little more vertically! Consider the use of trellises, wall-mounted planters, or even a living green wall. This will give plants ample space to grow upwards rather than outwards, and creates a garden that’s begging to be discussed. The visual interest and texture it can add to your yard is an enhancement you’ll be kicking yourself for not thinking of sooner.

Want another flexible solution that helps you add interest and space in your small yard landscaping? Containers are just the ticket! This is a flexible solution that gives you plenty of customization options—even after your plants have started growing. Move your containers around until everything is perfect. Maybe that lavender would be better suited in a different corner of your garden, or perhaps your collection of succulents just doesn’t look as good as you thought it would over there. Not a problem; relocation is a breeze with containers!

Smart Use of Hardscaping

Hardscaping is another great way to make the most out of your limited space. For the uninitiated, it refers to man-made outdoor design elements. When you think of landscaping, you envision flowers and shrubs. Hardscaping, on the other hand, incorporates things like walkways, fire pits, patios, and retaining walls. It often blends well with landscaping to create a perfect combination of natural and man-made beauty.

Here are a few examples you can use to incorporate hardscaping into your small yard in smart ways:

  • Gravel pathways for easy flow
  • Flagstone patios and stepping stones
  • A small wooden deck
  • Brick or stone retaining walls
  • Wood or stone benches
  • Raised garden beds with wood or stone edging
  • A fire pit

Use Mirrors and Reflective Surfaces

Here’s another clever trick for small yard landscaping: Reflections! Place mirrors around your yard to create the illusion of extended space (and more greenery). On top of that, reflective surfaces like water and metallic accents can give a boost to the brightness and depth of your space. All these little tricks come together to make a big difference. Pretty cool, right?

Get to Work on Your Small Yard Landscaping

When you incorporate these small yard ideas into your design choices (and utilize a bit of creativity), an abbreviated space can undergo a significant transformation. From selecting the right plants and mastering focal points to incorporating hardscaping in a smart way, the list of possibilities suddenly becomes much larger than you’d expect. Start small but think big, and once your vision comes together, you’ll have your own slice of nature right in your backyard.

Need a little help incorporating some small yard landscaping into your garden? Or maybe you need the supplies to make it happen. We’re always happy to help with landscaping tips and professional service! Reach out and we’ll start a conversation that might just grow into something great.