Landscaping Tips to Keep Your Landscaping Vibrant in the Summer Heat

stone staircase and stone walls with beautiful landscaping

The sun is absolutely blistering as you walk across your lawn. Should you water it? Is it too late for mulch? We all know as the mercury rises our plants and lawns need a little extra TLC. So, let’s explore some landscaping tips to keep your greenery healthy all summer long!

It’s the season of sunshine and soaring temperatures. While we bask in the warmth, our beloved green spaces can often struggle to cope with the heat. We understand the importance of being proactive when it comes to protecting your landscaping from the harsh summer conditions. 

Wisdom of Watering 

They say, “The early bird gets the worm,” and just like the bird, timing is everything when it comes to watering. Books and websites with landscaping tips always say that the best watering times are early morning or late evening because that’s when evaporation rates are lower, and plants can soak up the moisture they need. Remember, deep watering is key for strong root growth, as opposed to frequent shallow watering which can lead to surface rooting. Additionally, consider investing in a rain barrel system to collect and store rainwater for irrigation, further promoting sustainability in your garden.

Marvelous Mulching

When it comes to summer lawn care, the benefits of mulch include its ability to retain the soil’s moisture while regulating its temperature. Different types of mulch cater to different plants’ needs, so be sure to choose based on what’s growing in your garden. If you apply mulch properly at the right time, it will be the most effective at conserving water while nurturing your plants. But, if you’re wondering how to get all the benefits of mulch keep reading our landscaping tips.

  1. Before applying mulch, make sure the soil is adequately watered to retain moisture.
  1. Adjust the thickness of the mulch layer to around 2–3 inches to help retain moisture without suffocating the plants’ roots.
  2. Spread it evenly around your plants, and remember to leave a small gap around the base of each plant to prevent any stems from rotting.
  3. While the best time to mulch is in the spring or fall, doing it in the summer months can still help protect your plants from the heat.
  4. Consider using natural alternatives to traditional wood-based mulch. Adding shredded leaves or grass clippings can be used to add organic matter to your soil.

Smart Plant Selection

Be sure to select heat-tolerant and drought-resistant plants for a garden that will thrive all summer long. Consider native plants as well as exotic ones. Take the time to explore which annuals and perennials flourish in high temperatures. By choosing the right plants, you can significantly reduce your maintenance efforts while enjoying a healthy and vibrant landscape. You’ll also want to take a look at your garden’s microclimates so you can match specific plant species with their ideal growing conditions for long-term success.

Nurturing the Soil

Healthy soil is the foundation of a thriving garden. You can enhance its quality by composting and using organic matter to enrich its structure. Understanding how to care for your soil is key to providing optimal conditions for your plants to flourish. Additionally, consider conducting a soil test to analyze nutrient levels and pH balance, and use the results to guide your decisions for a targeted approach to plant support.

Creating Shade and Shelter

Shade is all too precious in the summer months. Explore the benefits of natural shade from trees and shrubs, as well as artificial structures like pergolas or umbrellas. One of our biggest landscaping tips is to remember that temporary shade solutions can offer immediate relief to vulnerable plants, while windbreaks and shelters also play a vital role in reducing heat stress. Additionally, position plants strategically in your garden to make the most of existing shade and sun patterns, optimizing the different plant species’ growing potential.

A Lawn You’ll Love

Taking the time to follow our landscaping tips and care for your lawn will keep it healthy and green. Thoughtful care includes adjusting your mowing height so your grass is tall enough to protect the soil from receiving excessive sun exposure. This also reduces water evaporation. Another step is asking people to stay off the grass to reduce the foot traffic on your lawn, as this also prevents damage. For that postcard-perfect front lawn try aerating and using dethatching practices to improve root growth and water penetration in your lawn, promoting overall health and vitality.

Combating Pests and Diseases

As the summer heat keeps rising, annoying pests and diseases can become a bigger nuisance. Keep a close eye on your plants for any signs of trouble and take action early on to prevent infestations. Consider using both natural and chemical treatments to safeguard your plants, ensuring you follow up with proper care to maintain their health.

To encourage insects that will destroy harmful pests, you can plant a variety of flowers to attract these beneficial helpers and create habitat diversity by adding plants that provide shelter and food for these natural predators. For example, ladybugs and lacewings prey on garden pests such as aphids, mites, and other harmful insects. To attract these natural predators to your garden and encourage a healthy ecosystem, consider planting:

  1. Flowering Plants: Some flowering plants that can attract these predators include dill, fennel, yarrow, cilantro, dandelions, and sunflowers.
  2. Herbs: Fragrant herbs like dill, cilantro, parsley, and mint can attract beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings to your garden. These herbs not only provide a food source for predators but also enhance the overall biodiversity of your garden.
  3. Umbelliferous Plants: Plants that belong to the Apiaceae family, also known as umbelliferous plants, such as Queen Anne’s lace, angelica, and wild carrot, can attract ladybugs and lacewings with their delicate flowers and abundant nectar.

Using these plants will reduce your reliance on pesticides thus preserving the population of natural predators. These practices can also help you use your own landscaping to create a balanced ecosystem in your garden.

As the temperatures continue to rise, the risk of plant diseases can likewise escalate, which also poses a threat to your landscape’s health. To protect your plants from diseases during this challenging season, it’s crucial to maintain proper airflow by avoiding overcrowding plants, watering in the morning to reduce humidity levels that foster disease development, and regularly inspecting for early signs of infections.

Preventive measures such as using disease-resistant plant varieties, practicing crop rotation to deter the buildup of pathogens in the soil, and promptly removing any infected plant material can help mitigate the risk of disease.

There are several disease-resistant plant varieties you can consider incorporating into your garden to help combat common plant diseases. Some examples of disease-resistant plants include:

  1. Tomatoes: Look for tomato varieties labeled as disease-resistant, such as ‘Celebrity,’ ‘Roma,’ or ‘Mountain Merit,’ which are bred to withstand common tomato diseases like blight and wilt.
  2. Roses: Certain rose cultivars, such as ‘Knock Out’ roses, are known for their resistance to diseases like black spot and powdery mildew, making them low-maintenance options for a healthy garden.
  3. Apples: Apple tree varieties like ‘Liberty’ and ‘Enterprise’ are bred to resist diseases like apple scab and fire blight, providing a more reliable harvest with lower risk of fungal infections.

By selecting disease-resistant plant varieties tailored to your region and specific gardening conditions, you can proactively reduce the risk of plant diseases in your garden and promote overall plant health and vitality. Stay proactive and attentive to the health of your plants for a thriving and disease-free garden—even in summer’s relentless heat.

Routine TLC

Consistent maintenance and monitoring are essential for a healthy summer garden. Keep an eye out for signs of heat stress in your plants and adjust your care routines accordingly. By staying proactive and adaptable, you can ensure your landscaping continues to thrive throughout the summer months. Consider incorporating smart technology, such as soil moisture sensors and weather-based irrigation controllers, to automate monitoring and watering tasks, ensuring precise care for your garden.

Be Ready

These tips and summer lawn care strategies will help you nurture your green space throughout the heat. Planning and adapting your practices to the season will set you up for a healthy and beautiful landscape. Are you prepared? Reach out to RELS Landscaping for personalized, expert guidance and support. Let us help you make this summer one to remember, filled with vibrant blooms and lush greenery!