Landscaping Ideas for Spring

Without a doubt, spring is the most exciting time of year for those who love to garden and otherwise take care of their property. In the spring, you can plan everything that you are going to plant, and spend hours shopping at your local nursery. If you are getting excited for the warmer months ahead and would like to make some changes on your property, perhaps some of the ideas below will hit the mark.

A Great Time for Trees

It’s easy to focus only on the short term when designing your landscape but try to step back and think about the big picture for a moment. When you do, you might notice that your property could benefit from some trees. Sure, trees are an option that will take a while to really come into their own and become an established part of the landscape, but getting them started now is the only way to enjoy their beauty down the line. Do your research and pick trees which are going to grow to an appropriate size for your property.

Planning Some Hardscape?

Spring doesn’t have to be all about adding new plants to the space. If you would like, consider taking on a hardscape project like a patio now that the weather is starting to warm. This is another project, much like planting a tree, that can pay off down the road as you should be able to enjoy the patio space for years to come. You don’t want to let the hardscape space overrun the property, however, so be sure to balance what you want to accomplish with the patio with the rest of your natural areas. If you plan to set up a table or just some chairs, take measurements so you can build to an appropriate size.

Plenty of Fresh Flowers

If you are going to plant annual flowers in your garden, now is the time to get going. Putting them in the ground relatively early in the growing season will give you the rest of the spring and summer – and into the fall – to enjoy them before they start to fade away. Also, you should have a great selection to pick from if you get started early. Waiting until later in the spring can cut into the options you have available, as many of the nurseries will already have sold through a lot of their popular flowers.

Think About Lights

One last idea to keep in mind as your landscaping projects ramp up for the year is the possibility of adding some lights. It’s nice to have lighting in your garden so you can enjoy the natural beauty even after the sun has gone down. For instance, if you do decide to add a patio, you can sit out on the patio late on a summer evening and enjoy your landscape well after dark. The whole point of spending time and money on landscaping efforts is to be able to enjoy them, and lights are going to help you do just that.